Rasmus Lerdorf has revealed all the new features during a preview before the launch of PHP 7: check out this slide. I'm having a lot of problems to switch from a PHP 5.6 installation on Ubuntu or Kali Linux. Even PHPBrew is not helping me so I accept any hints and solutions. But let's see how we can install PHP 7. F... [...]
Read MoreI have my local PHP and MySQL installation but I wanted to switch the PHP from the 5.6 version to 7. This was not an easy task and even PHPBrew was not helping me to tell Apache and the CLI what PHP version it has to run. So I have tried Ampps, a software for running the LAMP stack on Windows, Linux and Mac. It works great... [...]
Read MoreLooking at the structure of the CodeIgniter framework, I've seen many good features and possibilities for developing applications using this system. But for me, the worst problem is the file and directory structure. Handle multiple applications is very difficult and you must always keep an eye on updating your files. Ma... [...]
Read MoreI have a problem with frameworks: the OOP, design patterns and refactoring code are good but we still need a lightweight framework to upload all files and let an application works on a simple hosting provider. Indeed you cannot handle apache configuration files or something on low level on an external server! My application is s... [...]
Read MoreI wanted to build an object and keep the properties set during the process. Another class will extend the main application object without losing all previous properties.<?phpabstract class application {private $config;private $channel, $controller;public function getConfig(){return $this->config... [...]
Read MoreI found it very difficult to set an environment to practice continuous integration with PHP, especially Jenkins has not great documentation and the plugins are difficult to set. Using Jenkins, to begin with continuous integration on your software and web applications is a good choice. It seems Xinc or Sismo are go... [...]
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