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AngularJS promises for async requests

When you start to develop an Angular JS application in the real world you will soon have to handle REST calls. When you call a service, you have to wait for the response. There can be a delay and the page is not always ready to show it. The Angular promise library helps you to 


  • Lodash, a modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras, Lodash for AngularJS
  • Bluebird JS, full-featured promise library with unmatched performance
  • RESTAngular

Database ORM

Do you need an ORM for your database operations with NodeJS?

Example: playing with the SWAPI, the Star Wars API

Let's see a small and working example of using the Swapi "fake" APIs. Here I make 3 different requests and the response of every single request is available when the server returned the result:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <script SRC=""></script></head><body ng-app="myModule" ng-controller="HelloCtrl"><p>{{ people.person1 | json }}</p><p>{{ people.person3 | json }}</p><p>{{ people.starship9 | json }}</p><script>angular.module('myModule', []).controller('HelloCtrl', function($http, $scope) { var people = { person1: '', person3: '', starship9: '' }; var baseApiUrl = ''; $http.get('') .then(function(response) { people.person1 =; return $http.get(''); }) .then(function(response) { people.person3 =; return $http.get(''); }) .then(function(response) { people.starship9 =; return; }); $scope.people = people; // console.log( people );});</script></body></html>

ECMA Script 7 await

Here I have found a very interesting article about using ES7 and the new await feature. This new feature will allow you to skip the then and check the result more effectively.

