NodeJS and NPM on Windows can be really terrible. I'm having many problems with PCs running Windows 8 and 10. Fixing writing permissions is boring and annoying when you don't know what is the source of the problem. The npm behavior is unpredictable and it seems it gives you always a different answer or error.NPM... [...]
Read MoreIf you haven't any particular dependencies you can easily deploy your Angular app in a shared hosting using the amazing Ng Cli.Simply run:ng build --prodIf you haven't any error, this command will build your app and create a dist directory. In this directory, you will find the result of your app with sta... [...]
Read MoreTo find a working configuration for an Angular v2+ Ng Cli application was not easy. I have built my own solution at the end and the build with Travis finally pass the tests. Remember to sync your Travis account if you have created a new repository: once you have logged in the Travis website, go to your user icon, click... [...]
Read MoreNGCli is amazing but it still needs something more to be perfect. I was wondering if there is something about code documentation with Angular and I have found a couple of libraries very easily.CompodocCompodoc is very easy to find on Google. I have tried it and I like it. You can install it globally with npm and sta... [...]
Read MoreYes it is! If you upgrade your Yii 2 assets on your installation, there will be many difficulties to use the bootstrap 3 css and js files using the Yii 2 assets. So be sure you need bootstrap 4 only for your projects. First of all we update the dependencies on our composer,json file.{ "require": {... [...]
Read MoreThere are a LOT of operations to do to be in a good situation for search engines, especially if your website generates dynamic web pages. Every page can be linked and promoted so you must be ready to serve the web page in the best way you can. I ensure it's not easy so here I try to create a list of recommendations and opera... [...]
Read MoreHere we are to discuss the big security problem on the internet. Am I right if I say it's impossible to be "totally secure"? It depends on your contest, your position or your program or application your are developing. But what I want to try to resume in this post are the most focus point in this matter, the most d... [...]
Read MoreLet's if an admin boilerplate or external dependency can help us to build our application faster and more efficiently than integrate an admin template manually and build all interfaces we need. I still think Laravel hasn't a good and own code generator like the amazing Gii on Yii2. This is a problem for me and that's... [...]
Read MoreTo do something before a controller is loaded is a common problem to all MVC frameworks. On Yii 2 you can use the beforeAction method for a single controller but if you need to do a something before every controller, you have to use the config/main.php file. I use this technique to register meta tags for every page but... [...]
Read MoreWhen you start to develop an Angular JS application in the real world you will soon have to handle REST calls. When you call a service, you have to wait for the response. There can be a delay and the page is not always ready to show it. The Angular promise library helps you to [...]
Read MoreIf you choose the right libraries, you can be happy to have the right tools to work on your project. Even if Angular 2 is out, Angular 1.x is great for dynamic web development. I ensure you can develop amzing web apps for everyone. Here I will show you the tools I am using to work professionally with my company and our customers... [...]
Read MoreA modern web developer must know about HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node JS and the whole ecosystem around these technologies. Let's how we can be prepared.HTMLAccessibilitySemantic HTMLStructured dataJavascriptLearning the core Javascript is very important. Javascript is living maybe the greatest moment... [...]
Read MoreTo learn and work with the popular Angular 2 cannot be simple and we must take our time before starting to create amazing web applications in the real world. The only way is to practice and work with all concepts of this framework. But let's see the pros and cons about using this amazing technology:PROSYou can cho... [...]
Read MoreYou need some files to build a good and complete application with Angular JS while you needed onyl to include to only js file with Angular 1, So there is a big difference. With Angular 2, you have to setup a NodeJS enviroment and include many modules for a complete enviroment with tests,So to setup an application from scratch... [...]
Read MoreYii 2 has a good documentation and it helps you to do almost anything you need for your application. I have had some trouble on deployment. I have a couple of websites on a shared hosting and I wanted to follow the tutorials but there was something wrong at the end. Let's see the links:Read the docsOfficial website... [...]
Read MoreI think all developers have used Wordpress at least one time. THis amazing CMS is good but far away to be perfect. Here I am trying to gather all pros and cons about using this blogging platform. Maybe this on is still the most used platform around the surface web.ProsMany plugins ready to use for all your needs: gall... [...]
Read MoreAdmin Lte is one of the best and popular admin templates on the web. It's free and it lets you to develop great interfaces admin areas for your web applications. You can have many elements, plugins and even integrate it with some PHP MVC framework like Yii 2 or Laravel.Let's start to see what we need to let it work wit... [...]
Read MoreThis task is not so easy, especially if you are updating PHP on a production server. I have taken note of the steps I have followed. Let's open our shell with root permissions: First check your PHP versionphp -vDownload some repository and edit some configuration:wget [...]
Read MorePHP 7 is faster than all the previous versions. All you need is the best performances you can have but... what about migrating from PHP 5 to 7? Let's some helpful links and tools:Migration 7 check tool with composer: just install this tool globally with com... [...]
Read MoreI am still surprised about the Yii 2 popularity: I love this framework and I have based a couple of important projects on this framework. I love its presentation, code generators and the easy way you start, develop and test each element of your project. You can even have a test database and test all database operations. So I thi... [...]
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