You need some files to build a good and complete application with Angular JS while you needed onyl to include to only js file with Angular 1, So there is a big difference. With Angular 2, you have to setup a NodeJS enviroment and include many modules for a complete enviroment with tests,So to setup an application from scratch... [...]
Read MoreIf you haven't any particular dependencies you can easily deploy your Angular app in a shared hosting using the amazing Ng Cli.Simply run:ng build --prodIf you haven't any error, this command will build your app and create a dist directory. In this directory, you will find the result of your app with sta... [...]
Read MoreTo find a working configuration for an Angular v2+ Ng Cli application was not easy. I have built my own solution at the end and the build with Travis finally pass the tests. Remember to sync your Travis account if you have created a new repository: once you have logged in the Travis website, go to your user icon, click... [...]
Read MoreNGCli is amazing but it still needs something more to be perfect. I was wondering if there is something about code documentation with Angular and I have found a couple of libraries very easily.CompodocCompodoc is very easy to find on Google. I have tried it and I like it. You can install it globally with npm and sta... [...]
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