Eavesdropping is simply listening to a private conversation which may reveal information which can provide access to a facility or network.
An echo reply is the response a machine that has received an echo request sends over ICMP.
An echo request is an ICMP message sent to a machine to determine if it is online and how long traffic takes to get to it.
Gaining direct knowledge of communicated data by monitoring and resolving a signal that is emitted by a system and that contains the data but is not intended to communicate the data.
Cryptographic transformation of data (called "plaintext") into a form (called "cipher text") that conceals the data's original meaning to prevent it from being known or used.
Enterprise information security architecture (EISA) is a part of enterprise architecture focusing on information security throughout the enterprise. The name implies a difference that may not exist between small/medium-sized businesses and larger organizations.
Also called a transient port or a temporary port. Usually is on the client side. It is set up when a client application wants to connect to a server and is destroyed when the client application terminates. It has a number chosen at random that is greater than 1023.