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A job experience as Frontend developer

After a significative experience with PHP, Yii 2 and other related technologies I have worked with Angular 2. with Angular 1.x and NodeJS for 4 months. This last step was the right time when I switched from PHP backend development to pure Frontend engineering. It has been a big change when I started to learn core Javascript, ES6, Typescript, and the Angular framework. Slowly I started to learn the difference between the backend and asynchronous programming. Working and facing all the client problems was difficult but fascinating at the same time and it soon opened new possibilities to me.
I have changed company after a couple of months and I have accepted a Frontend engineer position. So I started testing an application with Karma and Protractor. Testing is very important for the frontend too so you have to write the tests for your code. Let's see the pros and cons for me about this experience

The Good Parts

  • Learning a lot of new technologies
  • Frontend testing funny and useful!
  • Meeting new and amazing colleagues
  • Working with CSS frameworks can be good and comfortable 

The Bad Part

  • Working with multiple companies is frustrating but without this step, maybe even the whole good parts weren't possible!
  • Learning new technologies is frustrating too but it's always a new challenge and it's part of this job
  • Working with CSS framework will not let you learn CSS and layout design. Working with pure HTML and CSS is always hard for many reasons.
  • My contract as a consultant was not good after all and I find myself in the situation to search for a new job again.